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    Lot 200 – Pair of French lithographs ‘Voyage dans la Mer Noire, le Bosphore, la Mer de Marmara & les Dardanelles’, Paris 1854

    June 20, 2022

Lot 200 – Pair of French lithographs ‘Voyage dans la Mer Noire, le Bosphore, la Mer de Marmara & les Dardanelles’, Paris 1854

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Lot 200 – Pair of French lithographs ‘Voyage dans la Mer Noire, le Bosphore, la Mer de Marmara & les Dardanelles’, Paris 1854

Current Auction: N. 17 
( Rome, July 06-07, 2022 - 5:00 P.M. CEST )

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Graphics depicting ‘Ghelindjick’ and ‘Tchousgab’, bearing the following inscriptions ‘Ghelindjick Abasie, Mer Noire – Dessin? par Durand Brager, Peintre de Marine, attach? ? l’escadre Fran?aise. Goupil & Ce. Paris, Berlin, New York. E. Gambart & Co. P. & D. Colnaghi London. Imp. Lemercier, Paris – Goupil & Cie. Editeurs A Paris – Un des meilleurs ancrages de toute la cote, ville manufacturi?re; point extre mement important – One of the best anchorages of the whole coast, a manufacturing town and an establishment of great importance’. Flaws present, unframed. The second lithograph has the inscription ‘Tchousgab (Cote d’Asie Mer Noire) – Dessin? par Durand Brager, Peintre de Marine, attach? ? l’escadre Fran?aise. Goupil & Ce. Paris, Berlin, New York. E. Gambart & Co. P. & D. Colnaghi London. Imp. Lemercier, Paris – Goupil & Cie. Editeurs A Paris – Ville Russe bien fortifiee. Bon mouillage – Town well fortified. Good anchorage’. Exemplars of these lithographs are now in the Victoria&Albert Museum, London, flaws present, unframed. Lithograph on paper, dimensions 14.1×20.4 in.


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